A House at the End of the Track: Travels Among the English in the Ariège Pyrenees

Michelle spent years observing British migrants living in a remote corner of the French Pyrenees. Her academic study led to a PhD, followed by a travel narrative: A House at the End of the Track: Among the English in the Ariège Pyrenees. The paperback is published by Matador.

Medlar Tree Press now publishes the ebook version, available from all the usual retailers here.

Travels in a Young Country: Discovering Ukraine’s past and present

Travel stories, personal memoir and history combined with a contemporary sense of place. An illustrated book opening a window into Ukraine as it was prior to February 2022.

FREE to download from the main ebook stores.
After a lifetime of knowing little about her father’s heritage, Michelle Lawson set out from England in 2018 with a handful of old photographs and the name of a village that had once lain within eastern Poland. Eight trains later, she arrived in Western Ukraine. This book is an account of her travels, exploring Ukraine and reforging some of the family bonds that had been lost over the decades.

Travel tales from L’viv, the Carpathians, Bukovyna and Kyiv throw light on a young nation where past and present are intertwined. In Ukraine, a knowledge of the past is necessary to understand its present.

Travels in a Young Country was conceived during the #WritersForUkraine initiative by Activated Authors in March 2022.